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January 9, 2007
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
January 9, 2007
Regular Meeting - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe, Ira Wood, Michael May and Jerry Houk. Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

Public Hearing – 7PM
Ira Wood disclosed that he is on the Board for W.H.A.T.
New Seasonal Wine & Malt General on Premise License
1.      Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, Mitch Eskie mgr d.b.a. Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, 15 Kendrick Ave.
Jerry Houk suggested limiting hours of sales & consumption from 3pm – 10pm.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the New Seasonal Wine & Malt General on Premise License with the condition of hours of sales and consumption be limited to 3PM – 10PM.
Motion by:      Michael May.    Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0.

Amend Annual Wine & Malt Package Store License
1.      Change in D.B.A. from C. K. Smith Company Inc d.b.a. Wellfleet Texaco 2619 State Highway to C. K. Smith Company Inc d.b.a. Wellfleet Valero, 2619 State Highway.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the change in d.b.a. to Wellfleet Valero.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

Use of Town Property
1.      Harriet Korim representing ArtPeace, requesting use of the sidewalk in front of Town Hall to the Library for the 5th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Walk, January 15th from 12PM to 12:30PM.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the use of Town Property on January 15th 2007.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

2.      Dennis O’Connell representing Friends of Wellfleet Libraries, requesting use to the driveway on the North side of Town Hall and the Lawn for the Annual Summer Book Sale on July 15th and August 12th, 2007 (rain date requested: July 22nd and August 19th, 2007)
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve use of Town Property on the proposed dates.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

License Renewals – 7:10PM
Common Victualer
Big Burrito Brad’s, Hatch’s Fish Market, Wellfleet Miniature Golf Dairy Bar & Grill

Common Victualer with Entertainment
Lighthouse Restaurant, Wellfleet Cinemas

General Retail
Down Under Video

General Retail with Food Service
Riley’s of placeStateMassachusetts, Wellfleet Valero.

Innholder with Common Victualer & Entertainment
Sweet Season’s

Common Victualer with Entertainment & Flea Market
Wellfleet Drive-In/Flea Market
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve all the above printed business renewals.
Motion by:      Michael May.    Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0.

Fire Station Design Presentation – 7:20PM
Represented by Dan Silverman, Keenan & Kenny & George Moe. The Building Needs Committee support the plans 100%. Dan Silverman gave a brief outline of the preliminary process of what needs and usage of the layout & land use were decided on. An endorsement from the Board of Selectmen is needed of the preliminary design, to go forward with the project. The ideal use of the South Wellfleet Sub-Station location, after the new location is completed, will be for continued use of deep storage. Vote of the preliminary design endorsement was postponed until the next meeting, January 23, 2007

New Business
1.      Committee Appointments
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve Julia Willecke to the Board of Water Commissioners and John Duane to the Natural Resources Advisory Board.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

Michael May discloses that he is an employee of the Marina.
2.      Commercial Slip Transfer Policy – formal adoption by Selectmen
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to accept the Commercial Slip Transfer Policy as an official document.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  5     Nay  0.

3.      Commercial placeSt. culvert contract.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to accept the bid.
Motion by:      Jacqui Beebe.   Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

4.      Special Town Meeting (March 5th, 12th)
Tim Smith suggested two possible dates for Special Town meeting for Harbor Pier Repairs.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to tentatively schedule a Special Town Meeting on March 5th, 2007.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  5     Nay  0.

5.      Regional Agreement for Animal Control Officer.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to share a vehicle with the Town of Truro for the Animal Control Officer.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  5     Nay  0.

1.      Reatha Ciotti representing the Wellfleet Library of Trustees “One Book”.
Represented Reatha Ciotti. Community sponsored book reading & discussions program scheduled for Feb-April 2007. Would like to have the BOS to declare the month of April Wellfleet’s “One Book, One Community” month.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to support the program & declare the month of April as “One Book, One Community” month.
Motion by:      Jacqui Beebe.   Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

2.      American Red Cross & Town of Wellfleet Shelter Volunteer Training, Jan 20th. Application deadline – January 12th.
Represented by Dan Silverman. Wellfleet Emergency Management Team will have a volunteer training for emergency shelters. Pre-registration deadline is January 12th, 2007. Applications are available online.

FY2008 Budget Presentation
Presented by Tim Smith. He recommends a working joint meeting January 17th, 2007 with the Finance Committee, to further dive into the budget. He gave a brief description of high cost line items.

Ms. Beebe briefed a few items from the Correspondence Report, dated 12/12/06 – 01/08/07.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to send a letter of congratulations to Dotty Dolan for her completion of the MACC Advanced Certificate Training Program.
Motion by:      Jerry Houk.             Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0.

Open Session
Tim Smith would like to go into executive session after the meeting.
Larry Greeley is representing the Cable Advisory Board, reminded the board that the contract with Comcast will need to be renewed in the near future. The Cable Advisory Board would like the Board of Selectmen to consider changing attorneys in regard of this contract. Mr. Smith suggested going with the new attorney as long as there is cooperation with the six other towns to use the same lawyer in order to devise a more effective use of monies spent within the contract.

1.      December 12, 2006
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the December 12th minutes, as written.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0.

Future Meetings/Agendas
1.      January 17, 2007, joint meeting with the Finance Committee
2.      January 23, 2007
3.      February 13, 2007

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen enter executive session to discuss litigation, and not to reconvene in open session.
Motion by:  Jacqui Beebe.               Seconded by:   Ira Wood.                Yea  5     Nay  0
Roll call (Houk, Beebe, May, Wood Donovan – yea)

The regular meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant